Friday, January 11, 2013

Former NFL Player Not Surprised by Seau Findings

Junior Seau

Junior Seau played for the San Diego Chargers.
Courtesy: CNN


Former NFL player and current Sacramento resident George Visger was not surprised by the medical findings released eight months after the death of Junior Seau.

The National Institute of Health confirms that Seau had a type of brain disease called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) that?s found in people hit in the head over-and-over.

?It scares the hell out of me,? said Visger.

Visger?s had multiple brain surgeries, he feels, as a result of his NFL career.

Sue Rueb, the founder of Brain Rehabilitation and Injury Network (B.R.A.I.N.), says any research done on the brains of NFL players helps those with any type of brain injury.

?All research helps us learn how we can, not only get better, but there might be some preventative means that this research can uncover,? said Rueb.

You can visit The B.R.A.I.N Site to find out more:


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