Thursday, February 14, 2013

Video: Woman finds live owl trapped inside grille of her Ford

Great Horned Owl stuck inside vehicle grille - video screencap

Ah, Florida... how we love you so. After all, it almost always seems that the most unlikely, impossible and otherwise head-scratchingest stories filter up north from the Sunshine State. Take, for instance, the video you'll see below. It's not terribly uncommon for a car to come into contact with an owl; what's interesting about this story is that the owl managed to survive.

That's right, this great horned owl survived blunt-force trauma with the leading end of a fullsize, body-on-frame Expedition, and worse, it was apparently stuck inside the Ford for days. Check out the feather-brained video news report down below to see how the hooter hit head-on and came out the other side apparently no worse for the wear.


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