Monday, April 22, 2013

April 2013 Financial Security Index Charts |

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Bankrate's monthly survey of six questions measures how secure Americans feel about their personal finances compared to 12 months ago. From April 4-7, telephone interviews (on landlines and cellphones) with 1,003 adults living in the continental U.S. were conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. The results of Bankrate's Financial Security Index have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points. This month, the index decreased to 100.4, down 1.1 points since March 2013.

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  • 89% of rural respondents are not more inclined to invest, compared with 73% of urbanites and suburbanites.
  • 82% of people with a high school diploma at most, 74% with some college and 69% who graduated college are not more inclined to invest.
  • 30% of those making at least $50,000 a year say they're more inclined to invest, versus 15% of those making less than that.
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  • 23% of those with some college education say they feel less job security today, compared with 12% of college graduates and 9% of those with a high school diploma at most.
  • 31% of people making less than $50,000 and 18% making at least $50,000 report more job security.
  • 25% of respondents 18 to 49 years old say they're more job secure today, while 16% of those 50 and older agree.
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  • About a third (33%) of people younger than 30 are more comfortable with their savings. Just 14% of those 30 and older say the same thing.
  • 47% of rural respondents are less comfortable with their savings, compared with 35% of urban and suburban respondents.
  • 25% of Westerners, 34% of Midwesterners, 43% of Southerners and 44% of Northeasterners are less comfortable with their savings.
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  • 11% of Westerners are less comfortable with their debts, compared to 21% of people from elsewhere.
  • 33% of people making at least $30,000 a year are more comfortable with their debts, while just 18% of those making less feel the same.
  • 13% of college graduates are more uncomfortable with their debts. So are 21% of less-educated people.
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  • 24% of Republicans report their net worth has decreased, while just 15% of Democrats report the same.
  • 46% of people making at least $75,000 have a higher net worth, versus 21% of those making less money.
  • 23% of suburbanites and 15% of urbanites report a lower net worth.
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  • 42% of people younger than 30 feel they are doing better today, compared to 23% of people who are at least 30 years old.
  • 30% of Republicans and 19% of Democrats report being worse off.
  • 38% of Westerners are better off today, compared with 23% of non-Westerners.

Bankrate's Financial Security Index gauges how Americans feel today versus a year ago on vital financial matters. An index value of less than 100 indicates declining levels of financial security; a value greater than 100 reveals higher levels of security compared to 12 months ago.

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